Owning Your Health

How to Get Health Skin Naturally Part 2 of 2

Dr. Kyle Loveless and Dr. Holly Loveless Season 2 Episode 7

In this episode you will hear from Drs. Holly and Kyle Loveless on the topic of skin health. For most of his childhood and teenage life Dr. Kyle suffered with severe acne and psoriasis. He tried every medication available. Though some of these medications worked to clear up his skin he was stuck having to take them forever. They also cause a slue of other health issues from irritable bowel syndrome to extreme anxiety. Through his studies as a natural doctor, as well as personal health investigation he has had clear and healthy skin for many years with out medications. You will learn the keys to healthy skin naturally in this podcast.
The future podcast will also be on our YouTube channel. (LovelessHealthSolutions)

Dr. Kyle mentioned the new "Understanding Inflammation" E-book available on their website for free. Simply go to www.queencityhealthcenter.com and scrolled down to the free ebook. Click and enjoy. Thank you so much for listening.

Loveless Health Solutions




For more information, please visit queencityhealthcenter.com
For personal questions, email us at queencityhealthcenter@gmail.com 

Charlotte, NC (980) 422-2000
Matthews, NC (704) 844-6368